====== DAC-633 ====== {{:suppliers:delta_controls:dac-633.jpg?200|}} ===== Features ===== * Native BACnet firmware * Fully programmable in GCL+ * BACnet MS/TP communications (DAC- 633), BACnet/IP and BACnet Ethernet (DAC-633E) * Super Capacitor for real-time clock and SRAM backup (requires no maintenance) on DAC-633E * Supports 6 BACstat network sensors on LINKnet for room sensing and control or 2 Delta Field Modules on LINKnet for I/O expansion * Actuator power terminal (24VAC) for each analog output (can be powered internally or from an auxiliary transformer) * Firmware upgrade and database load/ save over the network * Supports Modbus capability via flash loading in the field * Service port * Screw or DIN rail mountable