====== Vigilia ====== Logo : {{:suppliers:hvac.io:vigilia:vigilia-logo-name.png?150|}} ---- [[https://hvac.io/services/vigilia|Vigilia]] allows you to record BACnet networks and send the data back to remote servers. The logs of your HVAC systems are then available on the web interface, or directly through the API. Vigilia is usually sold as a service, but self-hosted licenses are also available. **[[https://vigilia.hvac.io/s/vo|Online Example]].** ====== Installation ====== The server installation is only required if you want to host your own Vigilia server. For most cases, you can simply use those provided by [[https://HVAC.IO|HVAC.IO]]. * [[.:vigilia:installation|Server Installation (Optional)]] * [[.:vigilia:recording|Recording A BACnet Network]] ====== Supported Network Configurations ====== Vigilia supports multiple VLANs and completely detaches the control networks from the recorded data. This separation allows users to freely share the historical data with everyone without ever putting the control network at risk. {{ :suppliers:hvac.io:vigilia:vigilia-networks.png?700 |Vigilia Network Configurations}} === Type A === Type A is used to maximize shareability and allows multiple BACnet networks to send their data to a central Vigilia server. This configuration can be used to offer a Vigilia service, like the one offered by [[https://hvac.io/services/vigilia|HVAC.IO]]. The easiest way to describe this configuration would be "in the cloud". === Type B === Type B is defined as the Vigilia server being installed within the enterprise network. This allows whoever is in charge of the BACnet network to also be in complete control of all the recorded data. (Building manager, IT departement, etc...) The Vigilia server is still available via the Internet to allow users to see the historical data. === Type C === Type C is similar to type B, except that it isn't accessible by the Internet. Only users from within the enterprise network will be able to see the data. ====== API ====== For an example application, see [[http://blog.hvac.io/2015/10/20/fun-with-vigilias-api/|Fun with Vigilia's API]] Developers can take a look at the [[http://swagger.io|Swagger]] representation of the RESTful API. {{:suppliers:hvac.io:vigilia:swagger.png?350|}} If you are using a self-hosted Vigilia, you can access it with this: /api/v1/swagger-ui/index.html Otherwise, take a look at https://vigilia.hvac.io/api/v1 and test everything with the demo project-id **5371147be4b0222b740851a2**.