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For self-hosted version only. To use the HVAC.IO servers instead, create an account and jump to Loggers.

The installation is separated in 3 main components:

They can all be installed on the same machine, or on separate servers and devices, depending on your network architecture.


For the time being, Vigilia only supports TokuMX. It is a fork of MongoDB, which features mind boggling increase in performance and reduction in the database size. (The choice was not made lightly; we tried many databases before settling with this one.)

TokuMX is supported on 64-bit Linux only, but virtual image should work too.

We recommend to use SSD drives, as their increased speed directly translate in how fast Vigilia will react. 250 to 500 Go should be plenty of space to store many years of data for networks composed of hundreds of thousands of objects. (Tokumx compression is really useful for this!)

Download and install by following the instructions on this page.

Vigilia Server

For maximum speed, we recommend you install the Vigilia server on the same machine as the database.

Vigilia server runs on Java, meaning it can work on Linux, Windows and Mac.


Make sure you have Java on your machine. (preferably 8 or higher)

To do so, open a command window and type

 java -version 

You should see the current Java installed, if any:


The entire Vigilia server is contained within a single .jar file.

This makes it surprisingly easy to update: just download the latest compiled version and overwrite the .jar file. (Your license and configurations are stored separately and will continue to work as expected.)

The application can be started with the following command:

 java -jar vigilia-server.jar <port number> 

(where <port number> is the port you want to use.)

Obviously, if you want the application to start automatically when your server boot up, you should make sure to create a service, or configure your web server (like Tomcat) to use vigilia-server.jar.



suppliers/hvac.io/vigilia/installation.1595430110.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/07/22 11:01 (external edit)